
The About Us section have following elements:

  • Block with a title on a background gradient color on the top left
  • Video block
  • HTML text on the top left
  • Three call to action cards on bottom center

  • All elements are editable by the user with admin role permissions.

    Edit Title, Video, Main text

    1To edit the title, video and main text of the About us section, a logged-in user should use the Layout builder within the Administrative Menu


    2Within the Layout builder, admin user can configure/edit the required part clicking on edit button -> configure:


    3A configuration block allows adim user to edit the Main Title, to insert video via URL or from local mashine, Edit the main text, insert a URL for "read more" button. After editing the fields, click Update, then Save the Layout configuration to see the changes applied to the site.


    Edit CTA cards

    1To edit the CTA cards, user should select the Edit tab and click on configure button:


    2Within the Configuration block, admin user can edit the card color using the pre-defined gradient or a fixed background color, Card title, description, set an URL for READ MORE button. Scrolling down, admin user is able to edit all three cards. After editing all fields, click Update button, then save the layout configuration.


    Remove/Add CTA cards

    1To remove the CTA cards, admin user should select the Edit tab and click on remove button:


    2To add the CTA cards in the About Us section, click on "+ Add block" within the Layout builder:


    3Next step is to create a new Custom block for CTA cards:


    4Within new custom block, a Cards block should be created:


    5Within the Configuration block, all related fields should be completed. Once the fields for the firs card are completed, click on add card and complete the same for second card, and for third card as well. After editing all fields, click Create block button


    6After cards creation, drag and drop all three cards to the bottom of About Us section, click on Save layout to see tha changes on the site.
